2671092235 Lixouri, Kefalonia mosxop@hotmail.gr

Moschopoulos brothers O.E.
Building Materials - Sanitary Ware - Tiles - Paints - Lixouri Kefallinia

The company Moschopoulos Brothers O.E. is a trading company located in Lixouri, Kefallinia and active in the building materials sector. The company provides a wide range of products, including specialty building materials, pebbles and mosaics, paints and professional tools, electrical and construction.

The company has years of experience in the industry and offers high quality products at competitive prices. Customers can find everything they need for their construction or home maintenance in one place, with excellent service from the company's specialized staff. The company Moschopoulos Brothers O.E. is dedicated to providing excellent service to its customers by offering them the high quality products and services they need to complete their projects.